Friday, May 23, 2014

IT TAKES A FAMILY TO RAISE A CHILD...with a lot of help from Grandmama & Grandpapa

 The Pathway that Our Grand-Children will take is important to every grandparent.
It is our hope that while we are on this earth that God will allow us the time to Love,
Nurture, Guide and Protect them.  Also we want a lot of Love-On-Them Time...filled
with fun, tickles, giggles and crazy good laughs. 

We also want those times of serious "Grandmama how come you're so short?
or "Do you know I have a boyfriend? But don't tell anybody!" or "What is Beach Glass?"
"Do you know that Daddy has a girlfriend? It's mommy!" or "Grandmama...I don't like when
Grandpa Larry kisses me. His beard is scratchy." or "Grandmama I'm going to ask mommy if you
can go to Hawaii with us. OK?"

I love their sweet innocence, their curious minds, and their honest but some times brutal observations and statements.  They play hard, are constantly learning and absorbing Life like dry sponges, and have more questions than a University Professor. And they want to hear your answers and wait with eager anticipation. And unlike your children...they still want to hear all your stories!

Little Elijah is going to be one years old in 3 days....and whenever he sees his Grandmama and/or Grandpapa he grins from ear to ear as he anticipates the fact that imminent FUN is at hand.
   He has wrapped us around his little fingers and he can do NO Wrong. 

Little Naomi (who is really a BIG Naomi) is just getting ready to turn 3. I love when I see that this
dear child loves books as much as her Grandmama does. She loves them so much that she has even
been known to sleep with them (ah, a child after my own heart).  I call her the Sweet Child with a tad bit of Wild Child. She reminds me so much of her Great Aunt Debby who left our lives all too soon.
But Naomi keeps Debby's Spirit alive and makes us all laugh and smile.

Then there is Princess Madeline. She has been a girlie-girl since the day she was born and she
is about ready to turn 6.  ( are growing up too fast). I have gotten to watch her participate in Ballet, Swimming, Martial-Arts and now she is playing Soccer.  Madeline loves to be involved in all the fun things Life has to offer. She also especially Loves all the little Boys she meets.
She can be very shy and timid at times and also very flirtatious and playful. She loves art,
exploring things, the zoo, climbing, jumping and having Crazy Fun. 

As Grandparents we hope to be able to share some of the wisdom we have accumulated over the
years and all the family stories we have stored in our hearts and memories and our Faith in
a Loving, Wonderful and Good God .

The Grand-children keep our running shoes worn, make us laugh and enjoy life more than
we ever thought possible and keep us young at heart.

They are truly a blessing from The Lord and from our Children!
They are the GIFT that makes not having killed their parents worth it all!

I have always had this Philosophy: 
(much to my children's chagrin!)

And they will ALL know...that IF they ever want to run-away from home
with open arms, a full cookie jar, and Kleenex to dry their eyes.
(After all...Mommy and Daddy shouldn't be so mean!)

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