Monday, May 12, 2014

Antiquing At Monticello Marketplace in Portland OR

There is nothing more entertaining to me than going into my favorite Antique Mall
and getting lost for hours amongst the collections,  collectibles, and collages of
colorful kiosks.  Usually I grab a Grande Vanilla Latte in the Cafe' and then head
down to slowly browes my way through all the ephemera, sparkle, bling, signs,
buttons, china, pictures, postcards, linens and lace, farm tools and crates,
dishes, silver, and garden art. It is all there just calling my name to look, touch and buy.
Oh, yes...always to buy. I am not a window shopper...if I see something I want... no
matter how big or how small...I want to take it home and make it  part of my every
day life. I call my home decorating style Victorian/Vintage/ Shabby/Eclectic.
I love having pretty things all around me and even though I know they won't go
with me when I leave this world...I am going to enjoy every eclectic piece as long
as I have both feet on Planet Earth. And yet if everything went up in smoke today
I would be fine and  move forward because nothing cost me that much to begin with.
And yet all my treasures layer together to make our home look like everything has
always been here surrounding me and bringing me comfort, contentment and enjoyment.
I have always said that I could make any structure... even a tent, a home by my
decorating skills and just letting my things define our home and life style.

This past Mother's Day Weekend my hubby gave me spending money and went with
me to Monticello to see what new treasures I could find to incorporate into my
Mother's Day Celebration and our home. I found a stack of  Mary Engelbriet's
Magazines from the 1990's.  These were some of my favorite Magazines...back when
she was first being published and her art lay-outs were so charming and sweet.
Then I found an adorable  bubble gum pink water-can for my Porch with some small
pink/white vines in it. Everything was under $20.00 and yet I felt like I found some
real gems. I was just thrilled.  We finished my little shopping spree with lunch up  in
the Cafe'.  And I must share with you that this Cafe' has the most amazing home-made
desserts than anywhere I have ever eaten. I topped my lunch off with a 5 layer Banana
Cake with Chocolate Butter-cream frosting and I felt like "Queen for A Day"!!!

If you notice the last magazine I is my new favorite Magazine and it comes
out of Europe. It is called Daphne's Diary and it is un-like any magazine I have ever
read. It is Eye-candy Over-load and must be enjoyed in small doses while having a
cuppa tea or coffee and 15 minutes of complete solitude. My good friend and Farmgirl
Sister Tammy Cummings got me hooked on this  magazine and I am so happy she shared.
We love a lot of the same kind of good reads and always enjoy recommendations
from each other. Plus, she has been known to just ship me a box full off books for my
reading pleasure and a Daphne's Diary or two. She just loves to spoil her friends and
she is very good at it!!


Blessed in Colorado said...

Oh Peggy, sounds like my kind of trip. What a wonderful hubby you have, not only to give you money but to go with you as well. So Sweet!
Nice treasures my friend, I am so happy you had a very special Mother's Day.
Luv Ya,

Nancy Jo said...

Love your finds. You are right, the Daphne's Diary is a great magazine. I found two on E'bay, and one on Amazon. I just love them.
Yes, going to Antique stores and thrift stores is always a fun thing to do. You just never know what you might find.
Nancy Jo

Blessed in Colorado said...

You are right Peggy about our Dear Sister Tammy, like you I love a lot of the same books and magazines you both do.
I have a lot of ME magazines as I had a subscription for years and of course you know how much I love Daphnes Dairy. They are wonderful and to me well worth the price.
Oh I need to catch up on my blog, having trouble keeping up with you Sweet Friend.
Love You,