Thursday, July 14, 2011

Take Time for Frivolity

Definition of Frivolity: carefree, silly, not serious or sensible, giddy, playful A little frivolity is good for the soul! Proverbs 15:13 says, "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance."
Life can just get too serious , chaotic, and worrisome if we allow it to. In order to keep your spirit from being consumed and/or crushed by the weight of all things that wish to swallow you whole or sit on your chest...try to instead create a little "frivolity" in your life. Do something fun and crazy that will make you feel like a kid again. And if you have any young children still at home...grab them by the hand and take them along for the fun...they just may think you are the coolest mom or dad...ever! Here is my list of some ways to create a little giddiness in your life...but I challenge you to make your own list and then act upon it atleast once a week, it will allow your spirit, soul and body permission to be carefree and child-like again.
Run through a mud-puddle, then do it again and again....
Purchase or make a kite and go fly it....
Go to the beach and build a sandcastle....
Dance in the rain....
Buy a three scoop ice-cream cone....
Give away some money to a perfect stranger...
Go barefooted in the grass....
Lay under a tree, on your back and gaze heavenward...
Ride a bicycle...
Take a picnic lunch to a park or lake...include a good book...
Take a disposable camera and go out and take pictures of nature...
Take a hike to waterfall...allow yourself to enjoy it's spray...
Indulge in your favorite Chocolate....
Go outdoors and scream at the top of your lungs...I Love you!...
Catch a butterfly and then release it again....
Dig In The Dirt...
Stop and eat at a sidewalk Cafe'...
Buy lemonade from a kid's lemonade stand...
Eat a popcycle...
Lay in the grass and watch the clouds roll by...
Skinny Dip...
Play with a child...
Sing in the rain...
Buy yourself some flowers...
Dress-up for no reason other than to feel special...
Play with a puppy...
Run through a meadow...
Buy a hellium balloon and release to the heavens...
Wear a pair of red high heels or red boots...
Puchase something that you don't need but want...
Compliment a stranger...
Chew some bubble gum and blow bubbles...
Blow soap bubbles....
Smile at everyone you pass....
"That is Happiness; to be dissolved into something complete and great" ~ Willa Cather
"Frivolity....try it on for will love how it feels and how you feel wearing it." PeggyAnn Smith

1 comment:

sharnymcclarny said...

Made me frivolous just reading your list. Hope your summer is a barrel of monkeys!