Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kissed By An Angel

I was kissed by an Angel who sat upon my knee, 
A darling little blondie who is nearly turning three. 
She gave me hugs and kisses upon my lips and cheeks, 
She squeezed my heart so tenderly it caused my eyes to leak. 
She said, "I love you Ganmama!', as only she can say, 
I knew right then that I'd never want my Angel far away. 
She has a way of charming me with her smile and her laugh, 
And I hope she never outgrows the need to sit upon my lap.
I've never known an Angel who could charm the pants off me, 
Except this little Sweetheart who sits upon my knee.
I pray the World is watching the special things she'll grow to do, 
But watch out World she's knock the socks off you! 
I've been kissed by an Angel and melted just like butter, 
But wait...I've just received the news from Heaven... 
That they are sending us another... 
Little Angel Girl! 

          (Madeline is going to have a baby sister, come June 2011)
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Karrieann said...

..beautiful! Made my eyes leak for I miss my two Lil Angels but my heart leap with joy for when April comes, I'll be gobbling them up into my "Nana" hugs!

sharnymcclarny said...

Congratulations Grandma. Love her like there is no tomorrow. Talking from experience. Hugs, Sharon

Lida said...

Beautiful words to describe a beautiful relationship. You arw blessed! Congratulations on the newest member to join your family! Hugs.