Saturday, January 30, 2010

I Could Have Danced For Eternity...

The other night  I was having a difficult time sleeping but before giving in and just getting up...I decided to use the time to pray.  God and I had an hour and a half of fabulous conversation about everyone I know and their various difficult circumstances, or needs or losses or hopes and dreams etc. It was just one of those times when you feel like you have only talked to your best friend for about 10 minutes but when you look at your watch you can't fathom how much time has flown by.  At the end of my prayer...Jesus was standing before me and so, as I often do whenever I am going to leave a loved one, I stepped forward and gave him a big hug around the waist. He put his arms around me and drew me close to his chest.  It felt so good to be enfolded in His embrace that I looked up to his face and asked, "Can we dance?"  He smiled down at me and said simply, "Yes."  I told Him that first I wanted to change my clothes (after all I was still in my pajamas).  I don't know where I went exactly but the next thing I knew, I was dancing a waltz with Jesus and I was wearing a red dress and red ankle-strapped high heels. Can you image the thrill of dancing with your Lord under a canopy of brilliant and glorious stars too numerous to count? It was heaven in the Heavenly realms, let me tell you!  I looked up at Jesus and noticed that He was wearing a formal military dress uniform, with a white sash draped diagonally across his torso and a Gold Crown sat upon his head. He looked so Kingly, so Regal, and so Majestic...that he just took my breath away!  He smiled, I smiled...and we danced and danced and danced...for an eternity, or so it seemed. I know that I didn't want it to ever  end! What a wonderfully magnificent gift God gave me that night. What a fabulous way to start the New Year...dancing in the Heavenly Realms with The King of Kings! doesn't get any better than that.

The next evening was Bible Study Thursday and I shared my experience with my Sisters in The Lord.  One of them said, "Oh, that was a wonderful dream."  I said, "No, it wasn't a dream...I was wide awake, it was just like God had transported me to The Throne Room of Heaven."

Several days later, while going with my husband to Adventist Hospital, in Portland, I decided to go into their beautiful little Hospital Chapel. I Love this particular Chapel because they have a life-size picture of Jesus painted on the wall behind a small alter. I just wanted to step-inside and thank Jesus for our evening of dancing and I did!  As I was getting ready to leave I noticed that the Chapel Services had posted this note of encouragement for all who came in to the Hospital that day:
"The thing about dreams is that you have to stay awake to make them come true."

1 comment:

Yemi said...

WOW...sounds amazing did you draw that picture?