Wednesday, August 20, 2014

REST, RENEW, RESTORE...doesn't that sound Heavenly?

Today I was doing a Bible Study on  "RESTING" and it was rather lengthy but I just
wanted to share a thought or two with you...because I know we ALL fall into that pit
called "Overwhelmed" at  times in any given season of our life.

One of the Scriptures that really stuck out to me was Mark 6:31 where Jesus is talking
to his disciples while in the midst of a crowd of "needy" people. They had done all
that they could do but still people kept coming and pressing in on them...and Jesus
said to his disciples, "Come with me by yourselves, to a quiet place and get some rest."

The first thing that stuck out at me was that Jesus didn't say, "Hurry, get away by
yourselves while you can..." No,  He said, "Come with ME...".  We can only find
true rest, refreshment, revival, renewal and restoration in Jesus Christ .
We don't find it alone in a coffee shop, at the Beach, in a Book, at a Movie, or on
Vacation...unless Jesus is with us.  Have you ever had one of those crazy Vacations
where you come back and need a Vacation from your Vacation? You are not rested
or relaxed or ready to dive back into the 24/7 Grind because you are exhausted.

The second thing that popped out at me was was "Come with me by yourselves."
That means don't bring anybody with you. Jesus is ALL YOU'LL NEED!

The third thing was they were going  "to a quiet place."  You cannot find rest if
you are in a car traveling 8 hours a day for 3 days to get to your destination...that
is also probably going to be packed full of 24 hrs worth of  Disney Thrills, crowds
of people, heat, hunger, tiredness and pushing and shoving and long lines of people
at every Adventure Ride.  (Sorry Disneyland!) but hey people I think you get the
picture.  Rest and Relaxation is not found in the hustle and bustle of most tourist

So going away, by ourselves, with Jesus, to a quiet place is sounding better and better
isn't it?  (+:
And it isn't something we do once a year for two weeks each, we can
get this refreshing  and renewal in small doses of time.  In Greek the word, 'Oligos'
means " a while" or "little, small, few."  So, this is a form of rest that we can get
or take in plentiful small doses when ever we need it.  In other words just a bit of time
with Jesus is all you need to walk away refreshed, restored, and re-newed.  And you
will find that it will feel amazing because it is an all over feeling of  Body, Soul and 
Spirit Restoration. And then ALL those things and people that were pressing in on 
you with their 'neediness'  will no longer seem so daunting and overwhelming to 
you. Because In Christ Jesus you will be able to meet those challenges head on...
energized and with new perspective. 

Remember that Old Hymn... "Just a Little Walk With Jesus Makes it Right"?  
I do believe whom-ever penned those words had learned the value of finding
rest in Christ Jesus.

I hope this little  lesson in RESTING in The Lord, leads YOU to more Mini-Vacations 
and less Tourist Traps...along life's way.

Love and Live Deeply In Him,

1 comment:

...Lady In Red, Peggy said...

VERY APPLICABLE to me, myself & I. Thank you sweet wife you hit the nail on the head exactly. You shared much needed wisdom for all of us. Rich Blessings & Love, Larry