Saturday, June 7, 2014


I just completed the first 40 days of the Daniel Plan and I must
say...I did not drop a lot of weight...only about 10 lbs...but I will
say that weight loss was NOT my primary reason for going on this
Plant Based Style of Eating.  I wanted to break my sugar cravings,
and learn to look at food differently and I have accomplished both.

I now ask myself...before I put anything in my mouth...Is this Indeed
good food (which is good medicine) for my body?  And if it isn't then
I don't eat it.   I would rather spend my money on great food to
heal my body than little pills in bottles.
If it was grown on/or as a plant it is good food but if it
came out of a manufacturing plant it is not. And I don't buy it.

Do I ever have a piece of birthday cake or a cup of Starbucks coffee or
a piece of Chocolate...ABSOLUTELY.  This program is NOT a DIET it
is a way of life and they highly recommend that you eat  great food 90%
of the time...which allows you 10% of the time to have those occasional
indulgences.  No Binges Please! LOL But when you do have
can eat them guilt free. Now how freeing is that I ask?

Yesterday, I got back my yearly blood panel results and all my numbers
were in good if not great range except for two.  #1 My Cholesterol was too low
(what? you've got to me kidding?) #2 I still had a slight elevation in my
Triglycerides, but now I am eating only good fats. 

But my Diabetic Panel was 5.8 (totally under control by food alone) no shots, no
medicine. My kidney and liver functions were great and no proteins were passing
into the urine or blood stream.

See...healthy eating makes for healthy people!!  I am 62 years old and want to live
as long as I possibly can because I have 3 beautiful grand-children to help raise and
5 Step-grands and 2 great grandchildren...whom I love deeply and I don't want to
miss out on a second of time with them. They were my inspiration to get Healthy
and Heal My Body.

You too, I am sure have your own reasons to want to live a longer life.
Don't compromise your health or your time on this earth a minute more.
LIFE IS TOO SHORT AS IS!    It is a mere vapor my friends!
I want to leave this life "on empty" and "used up" not sick and worn out!

Spiraled raw Zucchini instead of Pasta
   With home-made Spaghetti Sauce on top!

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