Sunday, May 20, 2012


            Book Review and Give-Away of 

                 Wildflowers from Winter

                                    by Katie Ganshert

It is said that the Woman we become is based on several things. The little girl we once were, our
family dynamics, the generation we grow-up in and the individual personality that we are born with.
This story is about Big City Architect Bethany Quinn, living in Chicago and working for one of the most prestigious and respected Architect Firms in the country.  She has risen above the small down trailer trash existence of her childhood to her very own Cinderella Story.  She thinks  life is finally going her way with a great job, fabulous boyfriend and her own lovely apartment. BUT usually when one thinks everything is coming up roses and life couldn't possibly be out...because something is about to knock you off your pretty little Merry Go Round of Life. That is exactly what happens to Bethany when she is urgently called back to that small little trailer trash town that she thought was all in her past. She discovers that her Grandfather whom she hasn't seen in 10 years but dearly loves is in the hospital and also her best friend whom she lost contact with in her move-up  to the good-life, is about to need a strong arm of support in her life.

I don't want to give too much away but this is a book for all you Western Romance/Inspirational Readers out there in Book Land.  Bethany discovers that you can't go back home without dealing with your past issues. And believe me she has a basketful.

 I kept thinking that she needed Beth Moore's Study Book..."So Long've been a real bad friend." It is only in going backward that we can  truly move forward in freedom to the future God has planned for us. Bethany is about to learn that You Can Always Go Home...but TRUE Moving-on-up comes only in Christ Jesus!

NOTE:  Please leave a comment and you will be automatically added to this May Book Give-Away.

      Another Free Read From BLOGGING FOR BOOKS - Waterbrook/Multnomah Books


Marilyn said...

Great review! Sounds like a great book and I'm adding it to my reading list!

hardatworkcrafts said...

Please include me in your givaway of both books. Would love to read them, sounds like they are worthy of reading.

hardatworkcrafts said...

Please sign me up for both your books. What a nice giveaway!!! Would love to read both. They look like good reads.

Jeanna said...

I would love to read this book. It sounds like a good read.

Mary Fox of Fox On The Run said...

Hi Peggy. I would love to enter your May give a way. That book sounds like it would be a great one. By the way, I am a little envious (I know...we aren't supposed to do that...of your time at the antique mall :>)) Sounds like a very fun time. Hugs.

Lynette said...

Peggy that really sounds like a good book. Nothing like reading about somebody elses problems, we can stop thinking about ours for a little while.

Thank you for the book give aways.
Please put me down for the other book also.


Needy said...

sounds like a good book to me,and I know I would enjoy reading that one. Please sign me up for it. Thanks Peggy for the opportunity to do this. Juanita Massey